Salary in Sweden



Sweden standard salary in 2022

Sweden is part of six EU countries where the minimum wage is not set at the legislative level. Local residents are absolutely not worried about this and even support such an initiative of the authorities. In most cases, the amount of the minimum income in Sweden depends on the profession, age and experience of the specialist. In certain sectors of the economy, rates are regulated by collective agreements between trade unions and employers.

There are currently around 600 collective agreements in force in Sweden, covering up to 90% of the local workforce. Negotiations on remuneration are held on an ongoing basis, changes are made to the documents and it is rather difficult to designate specific rates. But there is no doubt that the minimum wage in Sweden in 2022 is at least 2,000 euros a month. Quite rarely salaries are set below this level. Even in the field of unskilled labor.

In terms of average wages, Sweden occupies a leading position in Europe. According to the Swedish Statistical Office, the average salary in Sweden in 2022 is 39,675 kr per month, which is equivalent to 3,770 euros. After all mandatory deductions, the employee has about 29,430 crowns (2,800 euros) left.

For comparison, the average (net) salary in our company is 3000-3500 euros.

The average hourly wage (gross) in Sweden is 181.6 crowns (18 euros). Salary largely depends on the experience and skill level of the employee.

By the way, at Jobbible, the hourly pay (net) is 16-17 euros per hour. At the same time, we provide housing, transport, necessary clothing and tools. Recall that the citizens of Sweden pay for the apartment, purchase special clothing, the necessary tools, and also get to work on their own.

Taxes in Sweden

Despite the extremely high payroll taxes in Sweden, most local workers are quite positive about the country’s taxation system and strictly comply with their obligations. Thanks to this, the level of social protection, public services and income distribution in Sweden is considered a benchmark.

The tax burden on local workers is very high. For example, the general income tax rate reaches 57%. Income tax is levied at two levels – national and municipal. In the second case, the rate varies depending on the region and averages 32.12%.

Non-residents who have obtained a residence permit in Sweden for the purpose of employment for a period of not more than 183 days a year are subject to a flat rate of 20% payroll tax, regardless of the amount of annual income.

However, employees who work for Jobbible should not worry about this, because. experienced accountants will do all the work for you!

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